It’s Summertime and that means swimming in pools and going to the beach, but most importantly, it means staying hydrated. Is your outdoor area lacking the latter? Have you tried to keep up with watering but you’re still seeing brown patches? Taking care of your home is just as necessary as taking care of your body, so for proper landscape hydration we recommend installing an automated sprinkler system.

They say the grass is always greener on the other side; your neighbors will be saying that about your lawn! With a sprinkler system, your plants will live longer and your grass will look and feel healthier. Surround yourself with a beautiful landscape you can be proud of.
Increase Your Home’s Value

There’s always that one house on the block with the brown grass. Potential home buyers may translate that as property neglect and be turned away. With a well-maintained lawn, you’ll be sure to attract offers.
Save Money

Traditional watering can actually cost more on your water bill. An automated system will pay for itself in the long run.
Save Water

Stop watering the sidewalk! Traditional sprinklers (like the ones you ran through as a kid) can over-water and usually don’t reach all areas without you manually adjusting it. Certain systems, like Rachio, can be controlled remotely from your smart phone and even respond to changes in the local weather forecast.
Save Time

An automated system works by itself. The time you spend unraveling the hose, touring the garden, and winding it back up again could be spent relaxing at the beach or away on vacation. Take a break this summer – you deserve it.
Lawn Care Tip: The ideal time to water your landscape is between 3-6AM. Doing this prior to sunrise allows the water to saturate the soil during cooler hours instead of evaporate. Don’t wake up that early? Install an automated sprinkler system!
Getting a sprinkler system installed might maintain the garden aesthetics that you mentioned which I think I can get if the contractor installs it is competent. I do agree that a good sprinkler can increase my home’s value as you suggested since the garden will make the home look beautiful and valuable. If getting the right sprinkler can save money as you said, a good contractor will help us get it.
I like how having a sprinkler system would save me on my water bill in the long run, it just makes sense when you think about it. Watering it on your own would be inefficient and you’d likely overwater some parts of your lawn over the other, and you’d likely overcompensate when you notice. I recently moved back in with my parents and since their lawn is really unmaintained I thought I’d do some landscaping and fix it up using the money I get from my job. I think it’d be a great gift and that my parents would be happy to see their lawn look beautiful once again.